CII builds Ejection Systems for both hydraulic press style and roller style truss presses. Our pneumatic Ejection Systems are designed to lift finished trusses clear of a jigging system and high enough above the working surface to facilitate stacking or transfer to a conveyor system.
Features of our Ejection Systems include:
The Ejection Systems for use with our Walk-thru Table design and our Continuous Table design are sectionalized. Each section includes one table-width length lifting bar and its lift mechanism. The bar rests on the table, flush with the working surface. On command the lift mechanisms, located beneath the table, rotate into position and raise the bar(s). The bar(s) in turn raise the truss clear of the jigs. “Sections” are normally purchased in sets of two, but can be purchased singly. Any number of sections can be linked to work in unison.
Our Ejection Systems easily interfaces with conveyor and automated stacker systems. They are designed to increase efficiency, reduce labor costs, and optimize your production.